Carpet cleaning hacks at Home

We all live in a space with family and call it a Home. Whether it’s a small one or Luxurious!!!One

But we all love our space called home. In our home we all use Mats and Carpets form entrance to other spaces of our Home.

In our country we are blessed to have different Seasons like summers, winters, Rainy season etc. We love one of them and that is monsoon season in India! During monsoon season the weather changes, from hot summers it tends to cool down after pouring rains. It is the time when we see rainbow in sky and color shades of sky.

Monsoon season or rainy season also brings a lot of trouble for home and home makers and other family members. With much needed rains, comes the mess. With flooded streets when family member’s enters the home they enter with their wet cloths and dirty shoes. It becomes more painful when you have school going kids at home.

Monsoon season is also season of foods after winters, people love to make and eat different types of foods specially fried ones with tea and coffee. If you have toddlers at home then it becomes even more tedious for family members. They not only want to play around with rain water but also, run after every corner of home with their wet cloths and dirty legs.


Mats are generally placed in front of every door’s. Mats were generally first ones to get dirty of each and every home. They were placed every where in front of doors, in front of beds, in front of sofa’s etc. to clean dirt from feet. Whether you come from outside you clean your shoes first on mats, whether you come out from rest rooms you clean your feet in your mats.

Mats cleaning Tricks

Mats cleaning is necessary to keep your home not only dust free but also, to keep it free from other germ’s and bacteria.

To keep it dust free, shake it vigorously in outside area of house.

To keep it dust free, clean it with brooms.

To keep it dry, leave it in sunlight for few hours.

To keep it clean it with brush or even shampoo it.


Curtains were placed in every window and gates. It not only keep us safe from sunlight that enters through window in summers but also from cold winds during winters. Curtains not only  add color’s to rooms but also gives privacy.

To keep it clean, you need to keep it dust free frequently by brushing it.

To keep it clean, you can vacuum clean it to get rid of dust and spider webs etc.

To keep it clean, you can wash it with detergents or cleaning professionals hire.


Carpets were generally placed in Living areas and also in bed rooms. Carpets are used for sitting purpose in floors. It is also used during worship in religious purpose, for sitting during lunch or dinner at floors etc.

To keep carpet clean, clean it with broom’s or brush.

To keep it clean, shampoo it.

To keep it clean, hire deep cleaning professionals.


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