DIY Study Room Painting

We all love to live in a room full of freshness and colors. Like other rooms Study room is an important part of Home. In study room we do different activities like work from home, creative writing, story writing, Students studying for exams, Preparing for competitive exams, Drawing and Painting activities, Practicing for Drama and street play roles.

To keep Study room lively and attractive one needs to re- paint it every time it demands painting. One can do Study Room Painting on its own. But for hassle free work it is best to Hire a Professional Home Painting service provider near me.

To do painting work yourself one needs few things like tools and materials.

Tools for Study Room Painting






Head cover

Eye Protection Glass

Steel or Iron Blades for wall scrapping

Sand Paper 


Masking Tapes

Long Handle Roller

Paint Tray

Old and New soft Cloths

Plastic sheets or covers

Materials for Study Room Painting

White cement



Paint Bucket (Distemper, Acrylic, Enamel etc.)

Paint color


Keep In Mind

Before starting to Paint your Study room one has keep certain things in mind like what are the things that will come in the way as obstacles while painting the room.

First one has to shift or remove those obstacles before start painting like books, chairs, Plant Tubs etc. Then one has to cover the things which cannot be shifted or removed like furniture, Fans, switch board.

Wall skirting’s or area which are not supposed to be painted should be covered with masking tapes.

How to Do It?

Follow below steps to do it yourself.

Choosing Paint Type

To start with Painting walls one has to choose type of Paint He or she wants like Distemper on low budget, acrylic or royal one. Then they can choose for paint finish. For better results search Professional Home painters near me or Professional Interior painters near me.

Choosing Wall Paint Finish

To choose among paint type according to ones budget next type is to choose is type of finish they want on their walls like

Light Reflective or Gloss Finish

These gives very light on walls as they are light reflective and give very good shiny look.

Semi Reflective or Semi- Gloss

These also give gloss on walls as they are light reflective and give very good Semi shiny look.

Low Reflective or Satin

These also give gloss on walls but they are low light reflective and give very look. It is generally used in kitchens, bathrooms.

Low absorbing or Matte / Flat

These one absorbs the light instead of reflecting it and giving glossy look and good for any rooms.

Choosing Paint Color

To Paint your Study room first search for color trends of room. Go to your nearest Paint shop and ask for color shades. If possible take few sample colors and paint it on walls to see which one is best for you. Buy one which you think suits best.

Repairing work

First thing to do for Re-Painting is doing repairing work. For that scale off layers with the help of Iron plates. Then dust the area well.

Use of Putti and Primer

After doing the repairing work fill the damaged layers or part of walls with Putti and POP. Then do a coating of Primer on wall for better result and let it dry

Ceiling Painting

It is always good idea to paint the ceiling first before painting walls then tape the separating area after drying.

Wall Painting

After doing the things it is time to paint the walls with brush and roller for smooth finish. Do two layers of coating for best results.


Post cleanup after Painting is a very tiring process and take a tole in one’s health. So, it is advisable to take Residential Painting service near me.


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