4 Ingenious DIY Kitchen Cleaning Hacks


I know what you’re thinking. What is on the countertop? It doesn’t matter, because it looks gross. If you want to master those DIY kitchen cleaning hacks, get ready for some good news: there’s a lot you can do using ordinary things from around the house!

Hack 1: Use Vinegar And Water As A Window Cleaner

  • To make a window cleaner, mix vinegar and  water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture on your windows, then wipe away with a paper towel. Use a squeegee to remove any remaining liquid. If there are streaks or streaks, use another paper towel and go over it until you have no streaks left. This works best on glass but can also be used on mirrors and other reflective surfaces like chrome, stainless steel or aluminum — just don’t use it on natural stone or marble as this could damage them!

Hack 2: Use A Soft, Wet Cloth To Buff Away Scratches On Wood Cabinets

The second hack is to use a soft, wet cloth to buff away scratches on wood cabinets. If it’s just a light scratch and you don’t want to sand the entire cabinet, this trick can get rid of those blemishes with no problem. Make sure the cloth you are using is soft enough not to damage the finish—a microfiber or cotton cloth will work best. It’s also very important that you don’t use any steel wool or anything abrasive. You can apply your chosen kitchen cleaning solution directly onto the cloth rather than dipping it into water first; this will make application easier and more accurate than dipping would be. The best wood cleaner for this purpose is vinegar and lemon juice—this combination will give you great results without being harmful for your cabinets’ finish!

Hack 3: Clean Rust From A Cast Iron Skillet Using Salt And Oil

  • First, rub a thin layer of oil over the skillet using a paper towel.
  • Sprinkle generous amounts of salt over the skillet and then begin rubbing it in with a clean piece of paper towel.
  • Use another clean piece of paper towel to wipe away the salt residue and any remaining oil. Repeat this process until there is no rust left on your cast iron skillet!

Hack 4: Use Butter To Shine Up Your Stainless Steel Appliances

One of my favorite Kitchen cleaning hacks is using butter to shine up stainless steel appliances. This hack is so easy and requires only a soft cloth and a small amount of butter. Simply dab the cloth with a bit of butter, then rub it on all surfaces that need cleaning. I like to use salted butter when cleaning because it tends to stick better, but feel free to experiment with other kinds if you prefer! After you’re done cleaning your appliance, simply wipe it off with a damp cloth or paper towel (I prefer paper towel for this purpose). Make sure you don’t leave any residue on the surface or else it will look shiny when dry but greasy once wet again; wiping down after each use ensures no buildup occurs over time!

These hacks will help you get the job done

For those of us who are feeling overwhelmed by our to-do lists, these hacks will help you get the job done quicker. They’re also great for other household chores, so don’t forget to reward yourself when you finish!

Kitchen Cleaning Services Near Me (Delhi NCR)

Kitchen cleaning is one of the most challenging tasks that can be very difficult to manage, especially if you are busy in your daily life. Taking care of your kitchen is not only about getting it clean and tidy, but also making sure that it remains in a good condition.

When it comes to cleaning, it’s all about choosing the right service provider and choosing the right time for the job. Many people have tried doing it on their own but felt like they were not able to do it as well as they expected. That’s why they decided to hire professionals who can do the job better than them.

Easy Services are one of the best kitchen cleaning services in Delhi NCR which offers reliable and affordable range of services for both residential and commercial kitchens at reasonable prices. We have been providing top-notch kitchen cleaning services since many years, so we know what exactly our clients want from us! We understand how difficult it can be when you have so many things on your mind and yet, you need to get your kitchen cleaned up before every guest arrives at home!

Original Source: https://easyservices.co.in/4-ingenious-diy-kitchen-cleaning-hacks-easy-services/


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